Authors |
Luzgina Ol'ga Anatol'evna, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, sub-department of economics and finance, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Kuz'mina Mariya Gennad'evna, Associate professor, sub-department of economics and finance, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. Economic crises increase the interest of various sectors of society in working in a digital economy. The labor-active population needs new ways of earning money, part-time work in their free time, and flexible work schedules. Employers are focused on optimizing business expenses. Russian sociology and economics are waiting for the establishment and growth of the freelance institution, which requires active transformation. The development of gigonomics as a new socio-economic model of business organization entailed the use of non-standard forms of labor relations (freelance, outsourcing, subcontracting, remote work, outstaffing, B2C), which represent new types of part-time employment and short-term labor relations with the employer. They gained particular popularity in the Russian Federation in the service sector, IT organizations. However, the insignificant impact of the gig economy on industrial personnel and business requires the study of problems and promising areas of application of new development tools. The purpose of the work is to assess the state and potential for the development of non-standard forms of organizing labor activity in the industrial business in the context of Russia's transition to a gig economy.
Materials and methods. The implementation of research tasks was achieved on the basis of studying the structure and areas of employment in the freelance format, the advantages and problems noted in the researchers' work, on changing the nature of wage labor in the digital economy, and the development prospects in the industry of the Russian Federation. The methodological approach is represented by the methods of comparative and historical-sociological analysis, secondary sociological and statistical analysis of research results published in Russian sources.
Results. Social and economic consequences of using non-standard approaches to the potential of labor resources in the Russian Federation are estimated. The theoretical and methodological developments of sociology and the gig economics are analyzed, statistical assessments of the state of foreign and domestic freelance practice are indicated, problems and trends in the organization of labor in the conditions of gigonomics in the industry of the Russian Federation are identified.
Conclusions. The study allows us to conclude that the social and economic effects of the use of non-standard forms of organization of labor activity in the conditions of the digital economy, the democratization of labor relations between workers and entrepreneurs.
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